Senior Pastor: Andy Thomas

B.A. in Theology from the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, FL in 1996
M.Div. from the Billy Graham School of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY in 2006

Ordained to the gospel ministry in 1998, Andy has served as Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Minister to Students at various churches in Florida, Alabama, Kentucky, and Indiana since 1993.  In 2012 he served with his family a year in Nakuru, Kenya doing pastoral training and orphan care with the Kenyan Baptist Convention. He has served here at HBC since the summer of 2014.

Other Than Scripture the Most Influential Books I've Read:
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, Desiring God, Let the Nations Be Glad, The Pleasures of God, and Future Grace by John Piper

My Favorite Bible Verse: Revelation 5:9-10

A Word From Our Pastor:
“Scripture must be central and foundational to all that we do in Christ’s church.  Without it we have no sure way of knowing our great Savior the Lord Jesus, or what God is like, or what pleases and displeases Him, or even how to serve Him.  I became a believer through the power of the Holy Spirit when He made this same Scripture live to me and I was compelled to flee to Jesus and live.”